Eye contact can mean so much to guys regardless if it's made with a man or a woman. However for today's purpose let's stick to when it's made from a guy to a woman as the beginning of the mating ritual. It's often the prelude to two very important decisions a guy has to make:
Fight - In this case would be to start mating ritual or the beginning of courtship.
Will he approach you after the eye contact?
Will he let you know or let you see he was checking you out?
Does he confidently stare for a moment and let it pass?
OR Does he puff up his chest and grumble a little just to show you he's a man?
Typically this is what a type one guy will do as you'll read more about below.
Flee. (Flight) - In this situation would be to avoid any further contact.
Will he hide in shame after like he did something wrong?
Does he whimper away hoping to further the approach next time?
Will he hide the fact he was checking you out?
OR will he continually stare as if he's caught in your headlights?
This is what most type two guys do which will only be lightly covered today.
Here's a recent "experience" I've been through which will reveal what this all "eye contact" thing means to guys.
UPDATE: Since this was posted before my marriage I don't "work" this way anymore but it's helpful for you to still hear the story.
Let me tell you this one woman was amazing!
We made eye contact with her but I kept my distance. She was busy, so was I. And no I did NOT look away first.
I looked again but this time I was drawn to her entire body. My aim was to avoid getting caught and making her feel awkward.
Yep, it's why us guys do to selflessly divulge our sexual drive associated with sight.
Later on, when the moment came, I so classically and confidently introduced myself as I can be quite smooth.
I reached out my hand put it a foot from her heart, where it belongs, and she understood.
She put out her hand and we shook as we exchanged our names and how wonderful it was to meet each other.
Great story. Right?
That was it.
It wasn't a "meet cute". It wasn't a prelude to a passionate night. We did not exchange contact information or even saliva. Yeah that sounded kind of gross, didn't it?
I walked away rather slowly and continued to "do my thing".
The secret of all this is what I was doing...
Planting a seed. (As some have so eloquently called it.)
She saw some guy. She might have felt I was checking her out. She might be thinking I'm attracted to her. She DID felt my presence though, I made sure that happened.
Before things got too distant and strange I made sure we met.
That's all.
She met some guy who wasn't afraid of her beauty. A guy who wasn't interested in seeing how quickly I could sleep with her.
A guy who was confident enough to:
Make Eye contact - Fight. Yes. I approached her to open up something later.
It's what some of type one guys do.
It also reveals the types of men you're going to deal with on an everyday basis.
Some flee. Cower. Run. Avoid. Procrastinate. Most of them are the type twos.
Some fight. Chest up or whatever. Get right to the point. PLANT the seed so the next time goes smoothly and is more appropriate to the circumstance.
Take a closer look at what I wrote you and you'll see something very interesting.
Notice the timing.
When we were busy or she was distracted, yes I DID manage to divulge myself a little, BUT I held back from approaching her.
So what would have happened if I never got the moment to alleviate the tension of our eye contact can create for a couple days?
She could have easily been misled into believing or thinking,
"WHY? Why is he staring at ME?"
It shows us how easily you can mistake something when you take it out of context.
It also tells us there's absolutely no way of telling what type of guy you're dealing because of circumstance. If I didn't get the moment to approach her I could have come off as some slimy stalker, pathetic fool, or just another guy gawking at her body.
Let's face it, she had to know at some level how "hot" she was.
Okay in a way I was... "gawking" but I have no reservations about my sexual appetite.I mean she was pretty hot and I'm positive women even do the same thing to each other - except they add, "She's so beautiful!" or "I hate how gorgeous she is!"
No need to mention the guys you check out because I'm sure you already know what goes on in your mind when you're doing it.
This is how us guys think.
When it comes to eye contact, if the moment doesn't arrive, we tend to resort to the "worst possible outcome" making it much more difficult to once again, begin the courtship process.
That's the flee part.
I would say most of the time we WANT to "plant a seed" and sometimes we do, but because of circumstance, personal inhibitions, luck, and more... the seed doesn't get watered or firmly planted.
We're left with a staring contest... and forever unsure.
Eye contact can mean everything because of what happens after and not necessarily why it happens between a sexually aware man or woman.
Think about all this the next time you catch a guy "checking you out" or making prolonged eye contact with you and I'm sure this understanding will leave you in a better place, smiling in that coy way you do.
Please check out the related articles I posted below to further explain the stares, the gawking, and if a guy does or does not approach you.
- Why Do Guys Stare at Girls?
- He’s Making Eye Contact & Staring At You Means This – How To Approach Him
- Why Guys Stare, Say Hello, Get Your Number, But Not Make The Next Move
- How To Approach A Shy Guy – When And How To Talk To The Quiet Men
- Why Does A Guy Stare At A Woman But Not Approach Her
Photo by Daniel Xavier found at Pexels.
I just started to read your website to try and find out more about men and the ways in which they think and feel about women because I am very, very conscious that I am so woefully ignorant.
In fact, a psychotherapist actually told me last week that all men are really simple and obvious – and the only reason I don’t understand them is because I am autistic!
Actually, I don’t know whether I really am or not, as I’ve never been tested.
I feel acutely ashamed at what she said – so I thought I’d come here to repair my ignorance.
Also really curious as to why an intelligent, able man would apparently engage in such risky behaviour around a woman he is attracted to.
After all – isn’t he worried he’ll upset his wife?
Isn’t he worried his boss might sack him?
Or doesn’t he care?