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Your Relationship With Him – Communication, Understanding, & Connection

  • Why He Might Never Love His Girlfriend Or Maybe He Already Does

    This guy gets sad and disappointed when he doesn’t understand why he’s not in love with girlfriend. Is that true? Is he in denial? She’s everything and more to him but why can’t he feel it for her. I gave him this love test and he passed, so what is really happening, is he in love with her or not? Find out the truth.

  • He Said The Spark Disappeared – What Happened To The Connection You Had

    He said he was physically attracted to you, interested, dated you & doesn’t know why, but the spark has left him. You feel connected to him. You know you’re everything a guy would want but he still vanishes & disappears. The answer to what really happened is here and it’s all about the connection you thought you had.

  • What To Do When His Ex Said She Still Loves Him & He Goes Distant On You

    He said his ex-girlfriend was playing games and getting in his head. Is he still in love with her? Is he waiting for her to take him back? She said he’s worried about getting his heart broken, again. She left him alone, gave him space, and asks: Is he interested? Does he have feelings for her? Is he afraid? What to do?

  • He’s Losing Interest & You Tried Everything To Fix Your Relationship – What Comes Next?

    In a long distant relationship with a guy whose behavior is changing. She feels he’s losing interest. She don’t feel like a couple anymore. He’s accused her of overthinking. He doesn’t act like he cares now. She pushed the relationship and tried everything. What caused his change. How communication is key to their success.

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